Saturday, May 22, 2010

Historical Texas Ties for Pellegrini Family Vineyards

A few weeks ago, I had a fun and interesting conversation via Facebook with Susan-Williams Pellegrini, the wife of Robert Pellegrini. This is the story where Luca, Italy meets the Texas Hill Country. 

"My family (Weirich) first settled in Fredericksburg in 1850. My Oma's family (Hilker), born in Germany, immigrated in 1896 to avoid the on going wars. During the depression my Opa moved the family to Johnson City. My Uncle George, now 96, still lives there. He has been active in city affairs including the school board and bank. Many of my cousins have moved back to Fredericksburg in the last 20 years. Beautiful town. 

Our last family reunion in 2009 was at the original homestead. The Weirichs are related to the Nimitz clan by marriage. My mother married and moved to California after WWII. She is the only sibling (youngest) of seven to leave Texas. I originally had 22 first cousins. 

My fondest memories of childhood are those long summer visits. The heavy August air, wild flowers, red ants and doodle bugs....coupled with the many embraces and laughter of my mother's family. After meeting Robert my Uncle Albert decided he was good ole boy but I had picked up some aires.

At first Uncle Albert wasn't too sure about Robert. He said with a dry humor "Why, Yur the first "I"talian I've ever met."   I think they connected during the deep pit BBQ the morning before the reunion that year...1979. "  -  Susan Williams - Pellegrini.

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