Saturday, August 02, 2008

A funny beach...

Took the crew directly West on River Rd. which dead ends to the Pacific Ocean. Hooked a left turn and drove about a mile south and hit the most fabulous beach for the afternoon.
The temperature went from 90 degrees at the house located on Olivet Lane to 59 on the coast. We stayed for a few hours, playing paddle ball (I think the record was 35 hits between Daniel and Jen), collecting rocks and throwing back some great new beers from Hawaii and a nice little sauvignon blanc from the south of France given to us from my dear friend Mulan.

Here's a fun little shoot of the moment we all stuck our feet in the chilly water and black sands of the Sonoma Coast. Off to visit Teira today and do a little skeet shooting over the vineyards in Dry Creek!
Cheers - Ali

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