Wine events galore...
So I know this time of year was going to be a busy one, but whew...get a load of this calendar on Sorry about zero new posts over the last week. Takes A LOT of planning ahead to create such a tight calendar of winemaker events.
Have I had some great wine lately? YES! Teira Sauv Blanc and Handley Cellars Pinot Gris are rockin' right now.
Probably the best couple of meals I've had were within the same 24 hours - I had a nice day off last weekend (no travel, no meetings!). I went to Asti in Austin for dinner - had their Housemade Potato-Ricotta Gnocchi - ASTImade Spicy Sausage, Fennel & Tomato. For brunch the next day, I hit Woodland - possibly my favorite neighborhood joint of all time. Service is awesome, wine lists rocks, atmosphere is groovy and the food is always fresh and delicious. Nothing like sitting with your man, reading over the NYTimes, sipping great coffee, listening to great music while eating yummy food. I stuck with a simple scramble eggs with a side of grits and fresh fruit, but had the pleasure of staring at the biggest and most wonderful plate of homemake biscuits and gravy. DANG! Yeah - I might have snagged a bite or two - but what a guilty pleasure...
So anyways, I'm off again today to Dallas - the next few weeks are full of winemakers visiting Texas - literally dozens of meetings, winemaker tastings and dinner events. I've managed to line-up cool shows along the way - John Butler Trio, Wilco, Rogue Wave and Death Cab for Cutie tickets are bought and I can't wait to see all this live music in May! More soon - Cheers - Ali
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