My biggest conflict yet...
So I turned down tickets to the first playoff game tonight in Dallas, I committed to a Pellegrini Wine tasting at Corner Wines in Plano weeks ago before the finals came about. Those of you that know anything about me other than what I write on this blog is that I'm a huge Mavericks fan, in fact there are a few hilarious stories about watching the Mavs in Oakland while living in San Francisco - so fun! So work conquers play once again, but this one is like being punched in the gut, almost like the feeling I had as a teenager being "grounded" for something that was out of my control.
Not to take anything away from this tasting, not everyone is a Mavs fan in this town (so I'm told), so if you are a bigger fan of sipping wine than the Mavericks, please join me at 7:00 at Corner Wines, just north of Spring Creek off of Preston Rd near the Mi Cocina for a delicious Pellegrini Wine tasting. And for those who love the Mavs, stop in and purchase Pellegrini Wine on your way home tonight and stay tuned to Mark Cubans crazy blog
We should make it home by the 4th quarter - Go Mavs!!! Ali
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