I’m asked almost each day what my favorite wine is. I honestly don’t think I have a favorite wine. I have favorite memories that involve wine. The first one that comes to mind is my very first case purchase of wine “Mezza Corona Merlot” for my best friend Ashley. I was so excited to give her this gift! We all started somewhere…
So many other memories over the years, like my first sip of a First Growth (Ch. Mouton) shared with friends, a 1978 Stags Leap Petite Sirah paired with lamb in a newly built home and kitchen, Kistler Chard during a bubble bath, my first glass of Dom for breakfast in Chicago, a case of Red Rhones over a marathon party in San Francisco, Darioush Shiraz by the fire in Tahoe, 1998 RSV Brunello in Montalcino, dancing barefoot with a bottle of Amarone under the Tuscan Moon, Luca Malbec in a vineyard during the summertime in Argentina, dinner at the Staglin’s home sipping on RSV Cabernet, conversation with friends (Jeff, Eric and Mulan) in Anderson Valley drinking vintage German Riesling, Italian Vermentino while swinging in my backyard in the Presidio, a bottle of Rose Champagne enjoyed on the couch with a Rockstar, Albarino while painting in the rain, prosecco over stirring risotto with Whitney, trying Konrad & Co. Sauv Blanc - liking it then discovering Ralph Sands liked it as well, Cloverdale Ranch Cabernet – seeing smiling customers return for more at K&L, a glass of Crios Rose paired with warm yeast rolls, I could write for days…tonight it’s a glass or two of Fontaine Rose from Dominique Portet while playing Frisbee with my dog over a fall Texas sunset...not bad not bad at all!
My "favorite wines" make me rise each day excited to introduce new wines to folks that just may be creating “favorite memories” of their own! Cheers - Ali
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