Sunday, October 01, 2006

Out of Gas

So I'm back in Austin for a day, sitting on my couch, hardly able to move from a 90 minute hot yoga class today. Nothing like clearing your mind after an exhausting week - though a very successful week. Better get your hands on the 2003 Cloverdale Ranch Cabernet Sauvignon before the rest of the country finds out how incredible this vintage is! Seriously.

Looking ahead, it's an even bigger week and month. A winemaker from Argentina, friends from California and Colorado drop in, then a visit from Mr. Pellegrini to lead a few dinners in Austin and San Antonio to wrap up the month. I'm looking into hiring a maid to at least help me with my laundry and dry cleaning, everything else...I'm two steps ahead. Like I was told many years ago when entering into the world of wine "never take your foot off the peddle"...yep, I'm in the fast lane for sure, should probably buy a new car next.

Good night, Ali

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