Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Patience, Passion and Hustle.

Last Wednesday I spent a few hours with Gary Vaynerchuk while he was visiting Austin for his book tour of Crush It! Boy, I needed that shot in the arm, Gary led an inspiring chat after the book signing for anyone who is or wants to be an entrepreneur. After growing his family's wine retail business from 4 to 60 million dollars in a handful of years, he's going for it - he wants to own the NY Jets one day (and I bet he reaches this goal). Gary's big picture is driven by passion for business, while urging all of us to "stop doing things you hate" and start living your passion.

When did I decide to take control of my career and turn my passion into a living? Year 2002 - While sitting in a cubicle facing out a window with a beautiful view of a red-brick wall while working for CNET Networks in San Francisco. I remember telling all my co-workers and managers that I was leaving to go work in the wine business and suddenly became everyone's hero at the office. I did it. It certainly hasn't been the easiest road, but thank God for my DNA (which Gary talks about having in Crush It!) of Patience, Passion and Hustle.

TexaCali Wine Co. turns 5 years old in 2010, Patience, Passion and Hustle are abundant! Take a few minutes to watch Gary speak at the Web 2.0 Expo in NYC last month. See ya on the TexaCali Wine Trail soon! Cheers - Ali

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